Spot Me

A wooden guardhouse used in the Estádio Nacional during the Estado Novo regime as a ticket sales point and surveillance checkpoint, presents itself to the viewer with its door open, inviting them inside. On the outside, beside the booth, is a chair that was once used by its occupants. Nearly a hundred and fifty small circular mirrors arranged on the walls await the visitor on the inside. The limited space, the size of the mirrors and the different angles at which they are placed annul any expectation of observing the visitor's reflection. Spot Me is the impossible challenge; an ironic mirror aimed at any hopes founded on totalitarian promises. 

Spot MeSpot Me
© Daniel Malhão Fotografia
Spot MeSpot Me
© Daniel Malhão Fotografia
Spot MeSpot Me
© Luís Vasconcelos
Spot MeSpot Me
© Rita Carmo
Making Of
Making Of #0Making Of #0
Making Of #1Making Of #1
Making Of #2Making Of #2
Artwork Details
production date
Painted wood and iron sentry box and chair, mirrors, PVC, fluorescent light bulb
219 x 182 x 106 cm
Artwork exhibited at
01/03/2010 > 18/05/2010Netless
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