Two huge pointers, suspended in parallel with the ceiling, support long colourful crocheted arms which are lit by dozens of LED lights. The presence of light and its suspension and shape give it the appearance of an intriguing kinetic chandelier. The pointers move - the smaller one advances every second and the larger one each minute - and lead a dance, like two needles weaving through time. Time moves from point to point, to the sound of needles interweaving threads.
Real or realised, time has always been a human concern. In the work of Joana Vasconcelos, time is also matter in service of an aesthetic endeavour. Past, present and future come together in timeless, ambiguous, free and inquisitive constructions. Mobile do Tempo is kinetic, changeable, colourful and illuminated art, inspired by time and tradition.
Mobile do Tempo promotes a dialogue between art and time and was created specifically for the entryway of Boutique dos Relógios Plus shop.
