At the invitation of the Santuário de Fátima, Joana Vasconcelos created a work for the Basílica da Santíssima Trindade, as part of the celebrations for the Centenário das Aparições de Nossa Senhora de Fátima.
Suspensão is a monumentalised appropriation of one of the most symbolic objects of the figure of Nossa Senhora de Fátima, as well as her shrine and surrounding spaces: the rosary. The recognisable rosary - made of plastic that glows in the dark - becomes, through its size and installation, a sculpture whose light support takes us back to the suspension of time to which moments of contemplation and consequent inner elevation belong.
Suspension was illuminated for the first time on the evening of 12 May 2017, when Pope Francis entered the prayer area of the Shrine to pray the rosary.
