The World Belongs to You aims to present works by artists of different generations and origins. By juxtaposing different ways of making art, disciplines and personal backgrounds, the exhibition intends to explore artists’ relationships to history, reality and its own representation. In a world often threatened by tension and self-withdrawal, the exhibition aims to approach identity, not based upon an affirmation of nationality or origins, but rather upon the way that one constructs relations with “the other”. As Édouard Glissant, who recently passed away, said, “identity should not be seen as a single root but as a root that stretches out towards other roots.”
The World Belongs to You aims to multiply the ways that the François Pinault Collection can be seen. This is demonstrated by the fact that among the 40 artists presented, 23 of them are being exhibited for the first time at Palazzo Grassi-Punta della Dogana.
Joana Vasconcelos's Contaminação [Contamination] featured in the group exhibition at Palazzo Grassi/Pinault Collection, which celebrated the fifth anniversary of one of the most important collections in the world. Extending across the Atrium, Joana Vasconcelos’ Contamination ,2008-2010 exemplifies the porosity and interactions that inevitably exist between cultures in a globalised world. This explosion of components and colours is a veritable hymn to hybridisation. This exhibition transcends cultural origins, generations and eras. The very architecture of Palazzo Grassi accentuates this theme, by providing the visitor with an almost panoramic view of the works on display, whilst also allowing for an infinite variety of artistic experiences.