Inspired by the sumptuous chandeliers of Venetian palaces, the Murano Chandelier series is the symbolic representation of a surprising, natural, luminous textile quality suspended from an elaborate Murano glass structure designed by the artist. Malleable textile arms, nearly entirely made of crochet, cross the rigid circular elements of translucent Murano glass, decorated with various handcraft techniques - beadwork and small Murano glass - and dotted with dozens of LED lights.
Joana Vasconcelos brings together diverse, apparently antagonistic concepts in order to both play and reconcile them. The textile elements, traditionally associated with the feminine realm, take on a phallic shape that penetrates the rigid yet fragile round pieces of Murano glass, expanding the fields of feminine and masculine beyond the artifice of traditional social concepts. Vasconcelos's work unites feminine and masculine, traditional craftsmanship and modern technology, domesticity and nature, and design and art, thus emerging as a manifesto of full and infinite creative freedom.
