Una Diréccion

Several metallic bollards, held together by braids of synthetic hair, form a set of beacons demarcating a route similar to those designed to control the flow of access in public places. Una Dirección discusses the woman as a commodity, both through experiences such as prostitution and fashion, which are timeless and cross-cultural phenomena. This frail artificiality of the feminine dimension - hinted at by the use of long braids of synthetic hair - would apparently only be legitimised through the wishes of the visitors. Following the route would depend on our availability. 

Una DiréccionUna Diréccion
© Luís Vasconcelos
Una DiréccionUna Diréccion
© Daniel Malhão Fotografia
Una DiréccionUna Diréccion
© Daniel Malhão Fotografia
Una DiréccionUna Diréccion
© Atelier Joana Vasconcelos
Making Of
Making Of #0Making Of #0
Artwork Details
production date
Synthetic hair, stainless steel
Dimensions variable
Artwork exhibited at
07/03/2020 > 09/01/2022Beyond
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