A series of works that challenges the autonomy of different artistic mediums, Crochet Paintings question the boundaries between painting and sculpture. Inspired by the landscapes of classical paintings and using a technique familiar to the domestic universe, Joana Vasconcelos superimposes handmade crochet volumes; which may vary in format and choice of colors, in the complement of props or the use of a frame but always appeal to interaction. Reversing the field depth, through bidimensionality and three-dimensionality, the visual artist offers a new perspective that does not require us to enter the work as it takes the initiative to meet us. Through more or less undulating compositions, materializing hills and valleys of an unreal world, they create a dialogue that invokes, simultaneously, body and nature, the figurative and the abstract; allowing a playful and engaging landscape to emerge for contemporaneity.

© Atelier Joana Vasconcelos
© Atelier Joana Vasconcelos
© Atelier Joana Vasconcelos
© Tang Contemporary Art
Artwork Details
Handmade woollen crochet, ornaments, polyester, on canvas, gilded relief frame, plywood
95,5 x 132 x 56 cm
Artwork exhibited at
Through Mountains and SeasThrough Mountains and Seas
11/07/2023 > 06/08/2023Through Mountains and Seas
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